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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewArchival UnitIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleAuthor(s)Description levelPhysical type
010_006_004_001.jpg.jpg412-May-1898--Bonwetsch Gottlieb Nathaniel a Sabatier PaulSabatier, Paul ; Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathaniel B.010 - F.005 - 1898, maggio / II parte Foglio
002_002_035_001.jpg.jpg355-Feb-1894--Bonwetsch Gottlieb Nathaniel a Sabatier PaulSabatier, Paul ; Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathaniel B.002 - F.002 - 1894, febbraio Foglio
018_006_057_001.jpg.jpg5726-Sep-1901--Bonwetsch Gottlieb Nathaniel a Sabatier PaulSabatier, Paul ; Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathaniel B.018 – F.006 - 1901, settembre Foglio
002_001_154_001.jpg.jpg15428-Jan-1894--Bonwetsch Gottlieb Nathaniel a Sabatier PaulSabatier, Paul ; Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathaniel B.002 - F.001 - 1894, gennaio Foglio