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Browsing by Author Harweg, Roland

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewArchival UnitIssue DateStart DateEnd DateTitleAuthor(s)Description levelPhysical type
play.jpg.jpg-16-Jul-198417-Jul-198405 - Ellipsis between connexity and coherence / Fokusferne KoreferenzMarello, Carla ; Harweg, Roland 1984 - Testo, connessità, coesione Registrazione audio / solo voce
play.jpg.jpg-16-Jul-198417-Jul-198406 - Fokusferne Koreferenz / Serbocroatian echo-sentences and text connexity / Connexity established by emphatic constructionsHarweg, Roland ; Popovic, Ljubomir ; Rigau, Gemma 1984 - Testo, connessità, coesione Registrazione audio / solo voce